Monthly 5 pound Ground Chuck Subscription

$34.00 every month

$34 per fulfillment

This subscription guarantees you 5 pounds of fresh ground chuck each month.  There's nothing better than beef in the freezer.  If you have ground beef on hand, you have dinner! These are available for pick up the first Saturday of each month, unless you receive notification stating differently, Your account will be debited on the same day each month, depending on the day you subscribe.


$34 per fulfillment

This subscription guarantees you 5 pounds of fresh ground chuck each month.  There's nothing better than beef in the freezer.  If you have ground beef on hand, you have dinner! These are available for pick up the first Saturday of each month, unless you receive notification stating differently, Your account will be debited on the same day each month, depending on the day you subscribe.

$34 per fulfillment

This subscription guarantees you 5 pounds of fresh ground chuck each month.  There's nothing better than beef in the freezer.  If you have ground beef on hand, you have dinner! These are available for pick up the first Saturday of each month, unless you receive notification stating differently, Your account will be debited on the same day each month, depending on the day you subscribe.